Is The Water In The Dominican Republic Safe To drink

Is The Water In The Dominican Republic Safe To drink

Are you confused about if Is The Water In The Dominican Republic Safe To drink? so this article will help you to know Is The Water In The Dominican Republic Safe To drink or not.

When you come abroad, it is important to understand the quality of the water flowing from the tap. Water quality in the Dominican Republic is not always good, but it has made remarkable achievements in this area and has increased the water supply channel in the last two decades. However, while the country’s economic growth was high in the 1990s, the quality of water and sanitation supplies remained low



Dominican Republic water

The Dominican Republic is divided into several provinces, each with a water supply in every home. For example, in the nine central, eastern and eastern provinces, according to the 2010 census, less than 70% of the population is more likely to have access to water. It should be noted that only 56% of the poor are connected to the water treatment system. Generally. Here is the Tourist Destination Punta Cana.

Despite efforts to decentralize and support the government, quality and continuity of service in the Dominican Republic remain low. The increase in water scarcity is mainly due to excessive consumption in urban areas.

Several factors affect water quality in the Dominican Republic, including inadequate handling of system conditions, minimal control, inadequate maintenance of processing facilities and intermittent piping systems. Chlorination of the system is not 38.4% of the water system, which is very dangerous for health. This omission is observed mainly in small water treatment systems in rural areas. The fact that the chlorination system does not guarantee clean water should be disinfected properly.

In particular, they learn hygiene in the classroom and say how important it is to wash their hands and other nuances. The organization operates in the Haitian region and in 19 provinces of the Dominican Republic. The water treatment system consists of three filters to ensure excellent water quality.


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